Post Modern Marketing by MM Regular Students

Jakarta , October 3, 2013 . Located at Study Hall – PMBS Cilandak Campus, MMR Regular students held discussion with the theme ” Post Modern Marketing “. About fifteen students MMR were participated in this discussion. On this occasion , Dr . Eka Ardianto as Asst. Dean 3, shared knowledge based on his background, i.e. architects and marketing science. There was also Miranda ( MMR 46 ) and Emil ( MMR 47) with a psychology background and Melo ( MMR 47 ) with a background in philosophy .

The discussion was opened by Dr. Eka Ardianto about postmodernism concept. For examples, architects do not have to create a window or door with a box shape; many alternatives could be done, not glued to the structural design of buildings. From these example, postmodernism is believed to be able to open up many alternative space. However, postmodernism is often condemned or considered as a cult by the mainstream marketing experts.
“Generally, postmodernism could not be explained systematically through textbooks , but through a narrative approach,” said Dr. Eka Ardianto.

One of the differences between postmodernisme and modernism in the world of marketing is to understand the consumer as subject and object. Modernism positioned consumer just as an object (object sufferers from ads). Thus, postmodernism appears to criticize that consumers should be a subject that has the will and the right to criticize.Thus, the consequences of non – sequential approach is postmodern world does not recognize the beginning and the end.