Faculty Member

Dr. Safriyana


Safriyana is an Universitas Prasetiya Mulya School of Business and Economics Faculty Member for graduate and undergraduate programs. She taught several courses, the following are Decision Analysis, Operations Management, Statistics for Business, etc.
She embodies the essence of optimism and idealism, exuding warmth and sociability while cherishing the companionship of others and actively expanding her network. With a proven track record in analytical prowess, she not only excels in conducting independent research but also possesses a remarkable ability to conceptualize complex problems and devise comprehensive, well-reasoned solutions that propel progress and innovation.

Research Activities
Professional Experience
Academic Activity

Doctor (Dr.) in Agro-industrial Engineering – Institut Pertanian Bogor
Master of Science (M. Si) in Agro-industrial Technology – Institut Pertanian Bogor
Engineer (Ir.) in Agro-industrial Technology – Institut Teknologi Indonesia
Bachelor of Applied Science (S.T.P.) in Agro-industrial Technology – Institut Pertanian Bogor


Spatial-based model for oil palm plantation suitability rating and its smallholder farmers’ competitiveness: a case study at Kampar Regency, Riau Province, Indonesia.
Journal of Science and Technology Policy Management. 12 (2):283–308. doi:10.1108/JSTPM-03-2020-0066. Safriyana S, Marimin M, Anggraeni E, Sailah I. 2021.

SCOR-based information modeling for managing supply chain performance of palm oil industry at Riau and Jambi Provinces, Indonesia.
International Journal of Supply Chain Management. 9 (5): 75-89. Djatna T, Marimin M, Asrol M, Baidawi T, Harison H, Safriyana S, Martini S. 2020.

Spatial-intelligent decision support system for sustainable downstream palm oil-based agroindustry within the supply chain network: a systematic literature review and future research.
International Journal of Supply Chain Management. 9 (3): 283-307. Safriyana S, Marimin M, Anggraeni E, Sailah I. 2020. 

Institutional strengthening model of oil palm independent smallholder in Riau and Jambi Provinces, Indonesia.
Heliyon. 6(5):e03875.doi:10.1016/j.heliyon.2020.e03875. Raharja S, Marimin M, Machfud M, Papilo P, Safriyana S, Massijaya MY, Asrol M, Darmawan MA. 2020.

Model konseptual pemetaan wilayah potensial hilirisasi kelapa sawit berdasarkan daya saing dan kelembagaan petani swadaya.
Jurnal Teknologi Industri Pertanian. 29 (2): 132-146. Safriyana S, Marimin M, Anggraeni E, Sailah I. 2019.

Operational risk evaluation and mitigation for palm oil supply chain: A case study at X co.
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 335 (2019) 012013. Safriyana S, Marimin M, Anggraeni E, Sailah I. 2019.

An analysis and design of downstreaming decision system on palm oil agroindustry based on multilabel classification.
2018 Int. Conf. Adv. Comput. Sci. Inf. Syst. ICACSIS 2018. 247–252. doi:10.1109/ICACSIS.2018.8618185. Safriyana S, Djatna T, Marimin M, Anggraeni E, Sailah I. 2019.

Evaluation of palm oil supply chain’s performance, added value, and performance improvement: A case study at X co.
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 196 (2018) 012001. Marimin M, Safriyana S. 2018.



2022 – present : Program Manager of Full-time MBA in Universitas Prasetiya Mulya
2018 – 2021 : Research Associate of Institut Pertanian Bogor, in collaboration with the Indonesian Finance Ministry under The Indonesia Oil Palm Plantation Fund Management Agency (BPDPKS-Badan Pengelola Dana Perkebunan Kelapa Sawit)
2016 – 2017 : Scientific Researcher in PT Perkebunan Nusantara IV (Persero) and PT Perkebunan Nusantara VIII (Persero)

Conferences, Talks, Speaking, and Engagements

  • Chief Organizer and Lead Orator of Public Hearings Meeting with Commission XI (Finance, National Development Planning Board, Banking and Non-Bank Financial Institutions Affairs), The House of Representatives of the Republic of Indonesia, Central Jakarta, Indonesia on 25 January 2024
  • An expert speaker at the Internal Conference on Monitoring and Evaluation Instrument Preparation for Marketing Facilities, hosted by the Directorate General of Horticulture under the Ministry of Agriculture, at the Mercure Jakarta Simatupang Hotel in South Jakarta, Indonesia on 24 January 2024
  • Participant in The National Center for Corporate Reporting (NCCR) – The Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Standards Certified Training 2024, Grand Hotel Preanger, Bandung, West Java, Indonesia on 08-12 January 2024
  • Chief Organizer and Instructor of Game-Based Learning Workshop – ”Unlocking Imagination: Experience the Playful Way of Business Thinking”, Universitas Prasetiya Mulya, South Jakarta, Indonesia on 18 December 2023
  • Participant in People Matters TechHR Pulse Indonesia Conference 2023 held by People Matters, JW Marriot Hotel, South Jakarta, Indonesia on 23 November 2023
  • Trainer in JRP Leadership Development Program, PT Asuransi Jasa Raharja Putera in collaboration with SBE Center of Excellence Universitas Prasetiya Mulya on November 2023-June 2024
  • Speaker in Webinar Sessions of “Ngobrol Bareng Legislator-Menjadi Mayarakat Digital yang Pintar” held by Ministry of Communications and Informatics and The House of Representatives of the Republic of Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia on 23-30 May 2023
  • Keynote speaker in Share for Growth – Talks for Growth Series: Make Your Research Paper, Jakarta, Indonesia on 16 April 2023
  • Moderator of “We are the Future of Prasetiya Mulya” Discussion with McKinsey&Company, Hotel Ayana Midplaza, Jakarta, Indonesia on 10 January 2023
  • Mentor of ECHOVENTION 2023 with the theme “Youth Empowerment: Embracing The Global Business Trend” by ECHO Business Student Community on January-April 2023
  • Instructor for “Program Wirausaha Merdeka: Siwira Inotek – Inkubasi Calon Wirausaha Inovatif Berorientasi Teknologi” Universitas Prasetiya Mulya under Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education on August-December 2022
  • The Best Participant in Research Bootcamp 2022 “In-House Case Teaching and Writing Workshop” held by PPM Bina Manajemen in collaboration with Universitas Prasetiya Mulya, Hotel Aryaduta Lippo Village, Indonesia on 27-29 July 2022
  • Speaker in National Research Seminar of IPB University’s Institute of Research and Community Service, “Acceleration of Downstreaming the Research Outcomes in the Era of Industrial 4.0”, IICC, Bogor, Indonesia on September 2019
  • Speaker in The International Conference on Advanced Computer Science and Information System (ICACSIS), The Phoenix Hotel, Yogyakarta, Indonesia on October 2018
  • Speaker in The International Conference on Digital Agriculture from to Land to Consumers, IPB International Convention Center, Bogor, Indonesia on September 2018
  • Speaker in The National Seminar of Agroindustry Innovation in Facing Industrial 4.0 Era, IPB International Convention Center, Bogor, Indonesia on July 2018
  • Participant in LSCamp (A Logistic and Supply Chain Management Learning Camp), “Optimizing Supply Chains with Big Data Analytics”, Swiss Bell Inn Manyar Hotel, Surabaya, Indonesia on February 2018
  • Volunteer in The 23rd Tri-University International Joint Seminar and Symposium, held by collaboration of Mie University (Japan), Chiang Mai University (Thailand), Jiangsu University (China), and IPB University (Indonesia) on October 2016
  • Attendant in Global Leadership Seminar (recognized by high academic performance and leadership potential) held by Cargill, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA on July-August 2016

Award and Certification

2024 – 2027: Certified Sustainability Reporting Specialist + (CSRS) issued by The Institute of Certified Sustainability Practitioners

2023 – present: Certified General Occupational Health and Safety Specialist issued by Central Authority Ministry of Law and Human Rights of the Republic of Indonesia

2022 – present: Copyright Inventor of Computer Program named IF-oPS (Independent Farmer of Palm Oil Strategic System) Mobile Apps. Copyright Number: EC00202259623 – 000375357.

2023: Part of 114 Inovasi Indonesia 2022 (The Challengers in Review) with titled “Spatial Intelligent Decision Support System Design for Independent Smallholder Farmers’ Business in Supporting Sustainable Palm Oil Agroindustry Downstream”

2017-2021: Awardee of the Master leading to Doctor Education program for brilliant undergraduate degree holder (PMDSU – Pendidikan Magister menuju Doktor bagi Sarjana Unggul), Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education of the Republic of Indonesia

2017: The most outstanding student and the best graduate from Faculty of Agricultural Engineering and Technology, Institut Pertanian Bogor

2015-2016: Awardee of Cargill Global Scholars Program (CGSP), Cargill Inc.

Research Grant

2022: School of Business and Economics’ Internal Grants – the 3rd Quarter, Universitas Prasetiya Mulya.

The research entitled: Mengangkat Budidaya Jamur sebagai Penggerak Bisnis Desa Pandan – Slogohimo Kabupaten Wonogiri

2020-2021: Program Grant Riset Sawit, Badan Pengelola Dana Perkebunan Kelapa Sawit (BPDPKS), Finance Ministry of the Republic of Indonesia.

The research entitled: Pilot Project Implementation of Performance Information System and Institution Strengthening in the Palm Oil Supply Chain: Study Case at Riau, Jambi, and South Kalimantan

2018-2021: Pendidikan Magister menuju Doktor untuk Sarjana Unggul (PMDSU), Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education of the Republic of Indonesia.

The research entitled: Spatial Intelligent Decision Support System Design for Independent Smallholder Farmers’ Business in Supporting Sustainable Palm Oil Agroindustry Downstream

2018-2019: Program Grant Riset Sawit, Badan Pengelola Dana Perkebunan Kelapa Sawit (BPDPKS), Finance Ministry of the Republic of Indonesia.

The research entitled: Design and Implementation of Performance Information System and Institution Assessment in the Palm Oil Supply Chain: Study Case at Riau and Jambi Provinces