Faculty Member

Sandy Harianto, Ph.D.


I am a reliable, motivated and responsible individual. A husband and proud father of two amazing children. I like to think that I am a quite good communicator. I enjoy meeting challenges. I have more than ten (10) years working experience as an accountant in various firms in various sectors (and nine (9) years working
experience as a lecturer. During my time as a lecturer at Prasetiya Mulya Business School, I was being trusted by the management to held the position of Manager of Full Time MBA program (1 July 2010 – 13 January 2012), Head of MBA Executive Program (14 January 2012 – 28 Februari 2013) and Head of Accounting Program (01 March 2013 – August 2015). 

Research Interest

Political Connections In Relationship With Earnings Quality, Firm Performance, And Firm Risk, Corporate Governance And Family Business

Professional Experience
Academic Activity

PhD, University of Hull, United Kingdom
Master of Business Accounting from Monash University with GPA of 3.81/4.00 (using GPA Calculator)
Bachelor of Economics (Best graduate) of Accounting Faculty STIE SUPRA 2004 with GPA 3.98/4.00

Prasetiya Mulya Business School – March 2009 – NOW
Head of Accounting Program (Mar 2013 – Aug 2015)
Head of Executive MBA Program (Jan 2012 – Feb 2013)
Program Manager of Full Time MBA (Jul 2010- Jan 2012)

Financial Accounting, Managerial Accounting, Investment, Financial Management,
Financial Statement Analysis, Spreadsheet Modeling (Management Science),
Business Simulation, Executive Development Program (Finance for non Finance
Manager, Cash Flow Management, Financial Statement Analysis), In House Training and CBM (Modules)
Accountant – PT. Binareka Tatamandiri, Jakarta. October 2002 – March 2006
Accountant – PT. Asuransi Buana Independent, Jakarta. August 2001 – September 2002
Accountant – PT. Mahkota Jasa, Jakarta. July 2000 – July 2001
Treasury Department – PT. Putra Surya Multidana, Jakarta. April 1997 – June 2000

Community Development Activities

– Trainer : Training for Trainers Advanced Accounting & Financial Management for Palang Merah Indonesia, 5-14 November 2009
– Speaker : Seminar Pendidikan dan Karir di Bidang Akuntansi, SMA Don Bosco II, 10 May 2010
– Moderator : Seminar Nasional Bisnis Hijau UKM Indonesia, 13 December 2012
– Speaker : Career Day SMA Tarakanita I, 4 October 2013
– Organizer : Workshop BDO 50 for 50 : My Career, My Style, 24 September 2013
– Organizer : Seminar Career in Auditing Firm with Pricewaterhouse Coopers Indonesia, 08 October 2013
– Organizer : Seminar Implementasi IFRS di Indonesia: Tantangan dan kendala atas Laporan Keuangan Perusahaan Publik, 18 June 2013
– Organizer : Seminar The latest update of IFRS and the issue of convergence in Indonesia, 17 May 2013
– Organizer : Research Workshop Series with Dr Janto Haman – Monash University, 10 December 2013
– Speaker: Seminar Nasional Membangun Kompetensi Ekspor UKM Indonesia, 28 August 2014
– Speaker : Entrepreneurship Knowledge Sharing & Workshow, 15 January 2015

Training & Skill Development

– Workshop : Improving Financial Literacy & Investor Education Programs in Indonesia, Jakarta, 28 May 2009
– International Seminar on Islamic Finance: Islamic Finance in the Turbulence Times, Depok, 16 June 2009
– Education Seminar Series: Producing World Class Research, Jakarta. 6 May 2010
– Workshop : Pengaruh IFRS terhadap Silabus & Materi Pengajaran Akuntansi Keuangan, Depok, 1-2 Juni 2010
– Workshop : PSAK 45, Jakarta, 29-30 Juni 2010
– Training: Structural Equation Model, Jakarta, 16 August 2010
– AACSB International Accreditation Workshop, Jakarta, 01 November 2010
– Embracing Qualitative Research Seminar, Binus Business School, Jakarta, 19 May 2011
– AACSB Assurance of Learning Seminar, Shanghai, 22-23 Januari 2011
– Workshop News & Feature Yang Memikat, Jakarta, 13 September 2011
– Asia Pacific Business & Sustainability Council’s 5th Conference, Serpong, 29 May 2012
– Seminar Global Brain in the Great Convergence Era, Jakarta, 26 June 2013
– Seminar Dealing With Plagiarism in Tertiary Education in Indonesia, Jakarta, 08 May 2013
– Training Introduction to ERP and Accounting with GBI, Bangkok, 16-19 July 2013
– Training PEKERTI Kopertis III, Cisarua, 10-12 September 2013
– Seminar Corporate Culture in Action, 2 July 2013
– Training ACCA Train the Trainers Modul F1-F3, Jakarta, 16-17 June 2014
– Seminar Strategi dan Regulasi Pendidikan Tinggi Akuntansi sesuai Cetak Biru Profesi Akuntan Profesional, Jakarta, 29 January 2014
– Focus Group Discussion Analisis Kebutuhan Sumber Daya Manusia di Indonesia sesuai Kompetensi Lulusan, Kopertis, 21 October 2014
– Workshop: Integration of IQF-IQCS-ISQMS, Puslapim, Jakarta, 19-20 September 2014
– CIMA Lecturers Roundtable Discussion – Global Management Accounting Principles, Jakarta, 5 December 2014
– CIMA CFO Forum Indonesia – Global Management Accounting Principles for better decision making, Jakarta, 5 December 2014


List of Publications:

Harga Sebuah Pamor; Forum Manajemen Prasetiya Mulya Vol.III Ed. September – October 2009
(The price of fame; Forum Manajemen Prasetiya Mulya Vol.III Ed. September – October

Di Mana uang Investor Madoff ?; Forum Manajemen Prasetiya Mulya Ed. July – August 2009
(Where is Madoff’s investor’s money?; Forum Manajemen Prasetiya Mulya Ed. July –
August 2009)

Ironi Mengancam Afrika Selatan : Pertumbuhan Ekonomi dan Pundi-pundi FIFA; Forum Manajemen Prasetiya Mulya, May-June 2010
(Irony threatened South Africa: Economic Growth and FIFA piggybank; Forum Manajemen Prasetiya Mulya, May-June 2010)

Kiprah Keluarga Sosrodjojo; Forum Manajemen Prasetiya Mulya, October 2010 (Sosrodjojo Familiy’s in action; Forum Manajemen Prasetiya Mulya, October 2010)

The Rise and Fall of The Airlines; Forum Manajemen Prasetiya Mulya, January – February 2010

Kritik Atas Sebuah Sistem; Forum Manajemen Prasetiya Mulya Vol.XXVII/04/2013
(Critics towards an Established System; Forum Manajemen Prasetiya Mulya Vol.XXVII/04/2013)

Menakar Dampak Redenominasi; Kobelco Scoop Magazine ed.10 (Gauging the effect of redenomination; Kobelco Scoop Magazine ed.10)

Signifikansi JISDOR; Kobelco Scoop Magazine ed.11 (The Significance of JISDOR; Kobelco Scoop Magazine ed.11)

Ketidakpastian (Masih) Membayangi Indonesia; Forum Manajemen Prasetiya Mulya Vol.XXVII/06/2013 (Uncertainty [Still] Overshadowing Indonesia ; Forum Manajemen Prasetiya Mulya Vol.XXVII/06/2013)

Indonesia Outlook 2014; Kobelco Scoop Magazine ed.12

Quo Vadis Perekonomian Indonesia; Kobelco Scoop Magazine ed.13 (Quo Vadis Indonesia’s Economy; Kobelco Scoop Magazine ed.13)

Book: Accounting your hidden best friend: Prinsip-Prinsip Akuntansi Sehari-hari untuk Rumah Tangga & Usaha Kecil Menengah Accounting Principles for Household and SME) Publisher: PRASETIYA MULYA PUBLISHING

Memanfaatkan Penurunan Harga Minyak Dunia; Kompas siang – Virtual newspaper ed. 03 February 2015 (Taking advantage of oil price drop; Kompas siang – Virtual newspaper ed. 03
February 2015)